Human Rights Issues
Our charism is rooted in prayer and has dimensions in both art and service. Within this service aspect of our calling, we are particularly drawn to combat human trafficking and the exploitation of children, at home, abroad, and in the current Christian persecutions of the Middle East.
Several of our founding members are former counterterrorism professionals with military, federal, private, and corporate security backgrounds. This makes us acutely sensitive to the extent and gravity of this symptom of the illness of the modern world, as well as adept at addressing it.
The work of our associates has helped bring United Nations and U.S. Government attention to the human rights abuses against trafficked and exploited children in Afghanistan and in areas under ISIS control. However, we long for actual intervention that makes a lasting impact in the individual lives of victims, and to this end, we have established the long-term goal of purchasing and staffing an orphanage in the United States which will serve in innovative ways to create a loving home and a bright future for these children.
“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me.”
- Matthew 18:5

To read a recent Papal address regarding the position of the Catholic Church on human trafficking, click here.
In the short term, our concert and media projects have already served as fundraisers for the largest anti-trafficking organizations, Polaris Project and Covenant House. Our major project, however, is described in detail at the website linked below.
Please visit the main project website, stcatherinesmission.org, which is updated regularly with full plans and current progress.
Thank you for your support!